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The Beginning

I started my career in 2015 and always played with the idea of opening my own therapy practice. Throughout my career, I observed startling disparities among our underserved population, such as our veterans, low income, people of color, immigrants, etc. in our mental health system. This made me realize how much more I wanted to make a difference. After many disappointing efforts through other agencies, I learned I had to open my own practice to make the changes that would fulfill my mission to advocate for the underserved population.


I remember sitting on Lake Caribou watching the sunset in Lutsen, MN when the idea for the name of my practice came to mind. As the sun slowly moved toward the horizon line with a warm glorious orange glow, I said out loud, "This is exactly what my soul needed tonight." It was at that moment that the name “Align Your Soul” was born. 


I contacted a logo designer and shared my vision for the design with her, which included sunrises, sunsets, the outdoors, waters, woods, spirituality, and the number 37. The goal was to incorporate as many of those elements to give it meaning and relevance. With great creativity, the designer was able to make the logo meaningful as well as beautiful. What made the design so special was the addition of 37 dots along the moon to represent the birth of my boys and myself on the 37th minute of the hour. 


Next, I met with a realtor to talk about renting a space for my therapy practice. After speaking with him for ten minutes, we discovered that he helped my close friend with his business loan for my late brother's restaurant. That’s when I knew I wanted to continue working with him. Our discussion of renting a property quickly turned into me owning property.


The owners of the property I purchased from were amazing lawyers who wanted to sell to a young entrepreneur; like myself. Before I realized it, I was pulling up carpet, knocking down walls, painting, and renovating everything in between. Meanwhile, I was also building a team of therapist who are compassionate, thoughtful, passionate, and advantageous team with multiform skills.


The official opening date is January 1, 2024, and I look forward to growing, learning, and changing with the team and seeing how we can help our community.

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Thu Park, Owner

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Mission & Vision 

My mission is to improve accessibility and understanding of mental health needs to a wide span of communities.  I want to empower those who feel unheard and not seen.  I hope I will inspire individuals to see life in a different lens and reach their own potential.  My vision is to continue this work and encourage more individuals from the BIPOC community to join this career field.  


Like my mission, my vision is ambitious. I envision a future that supports and advocates mental well being for all; with a strong focus on the multiform communities.



Where Social Work Can Lead You: Journeys Into, Around and Even Out of Social Work

"This book is a refreshing and eye opening view into the humans behind the profession; the journeys into, around and even out of Social Work." - Amazon

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